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Sale Models
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RONTEN 17.7" Mini Size Human Skeleton Model Anatomical Skeleton Model
17.7" Mini Size Human Skeleton Model : This mini skeleton is sure to be your go-to table skeleton for your basic science education. At 17.7" tall, It is intuitive for system or regional anatomy.This model beautifully depicts the skeletal structure...
RONTEN 70.8"Human Skeleton Model Life Size Anatomical Skeleton Model
Life Size Skeleton Model : The skeleton model is the height of human size and 70.8"(including the stand). It contains the skull, spine, sternum, pelvis, upper limbs, lower limbs, and other major skeletal structures, and other parts of the body...
RONTEN Mini 33" Half Size Human Skeleton Model Teaching Anatomy Skeleton Model
33" tall skeleton model : The 33"(85cm) tall skeleton represents the 200 bones that make up the human skeletal system, and the limbs can be moved to show an approximation of joint articulation.The skull features a movable jaw and a...
RONTEN 11 inch Teaching Model Torso Human Body Model Anatomy Model
15 Body Parts: It comes with 15 parts, this removable human torso model demonstrates some vital organs. This human anatomy torso model Includes:1. Brain(2 parts), skull cap2. Torso3. Heart, Liver,4. Esophagus trachea and aorta5. Diaphragm6. Respiratory: lung (4 parts),7. Digestive:...
RONTEN Human Skull Model Life Size Medical Anatomical Adult Model
Skull Composition: Includes a highly-detailed anatomical model of the human skull. Cast from real adult specimens, it provides students and educators with an accurate study of cranial anatomy and natural jawmovement.Detachable into 3 parts: skull, skull base, and mandible. The...
RONTEN Human Skull Anatomical Model Painted Medical Skull Model
3-Part & Removable Skull Cap : The RONTEN 3-Part life-size human skull model is anatomically accurate of the skull. The resin mold is divided into 3 pieces. The cranium, base of the skull, and mandible are separated. This model is...
RONTEN Mini Skull Model Small Size Human Medical Anatomical Head Bone
Mini Skull Model: This mini human skull model incorporates realistic texture and color while presenting the sutures of the skull, you can clearly identify the fissures, parietal, processus, and seams.It can be disassembled into 3-part: calvaria, the base of the...
RONTEN Human Colored Skull Model Life Size Exploded Anatomical Skull Model
Detachable 22-Part : This is a detachable colored skull model. and it has 7.67*5.9*5.11 inches and Includes 22 parts. The complex anatomical structure of the skull is easy to understand and visualize when it is disassembled into its 22 individual...
RONTEN Life Size Didactic Human Anatomy Colored Skull Model with Cervical Vertebra
Life Size Colored Skull Model : The colored Life-Size didactic skull model is anatomically accurate for the skull. Cast from a real human specimen, this model is the perfect color-coded tool to gain a deeper understanding of the skull's anatomy....
RONTEN Life Size Human Skull Model Hand-Painted in Color Suture Line Skull Model
Hand-Painted in Color Suture Line Skull Model: it is separated into 3 pieces, the calvaria, base of the skull, and mandible can be separated. and also the suture line was hand-painted in color to make you distinguish the different areas...
RONTEN Human Heart Model Life Size Anatomically Medical Heart Model
It with Detailed Study Guide and Base Stand : The heart model is an anatomically correct representation of the human heart. The model features a removable heart wall to display internal structures, exposing the hollow cavity of the heart and...
RONTEN 31" Human Flexible Spine Model Life Size Spinal Cord Model
Life-Size Spine Model : This human vertebrae model is a detailed, 31inch long spinal model with the pelvis, sacrum, and femur heads, vertebral artery, all nerve branches, and a herniated lumbar disc. Include representations of the vertebral arteries, spinal nerve...
RONTEN 15.5" Human Mini Spine Model Mini Vertebral Column Model
Mini Human Spine Model: This anatomically detailed mini spinal column model includes the squama occipitalis and pelvis. The miniature vertebral column is flexibly mounted for demonstration of natural human movement and pathological changes to the spine and comes with a...
RONTEN Medical Shoulder Anatomy Model Life Size Anatomical Shoulder Joint Model
Life-Size Human Shoulder Joint Model : The RONTEN Life-Size Human Shoulder Joint Model with Ligaments is an anatomically accurate representation of the human shoulder joint. Our shoulder joint model features limited flexibility and includes ligaments, bones and their bony landmarks,...
RONTEN Human Anatomical Knee Model Flexible Life-Size Knee Model
Life-Size Human Knee Joint Model : The Life-Size human knee joint with ligaments model is an anatomically accurate representation of the human knee joint and its connective ligaments. Our knee joint model is flexible and can be bent to demonstrate...
RONTEN Life-Size Human Brain Anatomical Model Colored Brain Model
8 parts of the brain : The model consists of 8 parts of the brain sagittal section, cerebral hemisphere, cerebellum, and brainstem, showing the cerebral hemisphere, diencephalon, cerebellum, brainstem midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, cranial nerves, etc. The human brain model...
RONTEN 6X Enlarged Human Eye Anatomical Model Accurate Eye Model
Contain Seven Parts : The upper and lower parts of the eye, the cornea, the iris, the lens, the vitreous, and the support. The sclera and part of the choroid musculature can also be observed.The anatomical model of the eyeball...
RONTEN Human Female Uterus Ovary Model Anatomical Bilateral Ovarian Uterus Model
Uterus Ovary Anatomical Model : This model shows the female internal reproductive anatomy in detail, including ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and Bartholin glands, etc. It shows the three-layer structure of the uterus, the uterine cavity and vagina, the fornix,...
RONTEN Life Size Human Skull Model Anatomy Skull with Newest Laser-Etched Fonts
Skull Model with Newest Laser-Etched Fonts: The upgrade numbered anatomical skull model is improved by new laser-Etched technology to make the fonts & numbers engraved into the skull model permanently.The laser-Etched fonts & numbers will never be smudged while our...
RONTEN Life Size Female Pelvis Model Flexible Female Anatomy Model
Life Size Female Pelvis Model: Pelvis anatomical model is of life-size, about 9.6x6.7x6.7 Inches. This pelvis anatomy model shows the structure of a female pelvis in life-size dimensions. The special plastic used to construct the model ensures realistic surface structure...
RONTEN Human Nasal Cavity Throat Anatomical Medical Teaching Model
Professional Human Nasal Cavity Throat Model : This model shows the internal structure of the mouth, nose, pharynx, and larynx as well as structures such as cerebrovascular and cranial nerves. and with a digital mark.This anatomical model human nasal cavity...
RONTEN Human Half Head Superficial Neurovascular Model Anatomical Head Model
Half Head Superficial Neurovascular Model : This half-head model is a great addition to medical classrooms and offices. Including exposed superficial facial muscles, superficial blood vessels of the face and scalp, medial nerves and structures of the parotid gland and...
RONTEN Dental Tooth Brushing Model 6 Times Enlarged with Giant Brush
Dental Teeth Model with Toothbrush : The dental tooth model with a toothbrush provides a magnified study of the human mouth and teeth. This model is enlarged to offer a high-quality display of the oral cavity and to be used...
RONTEN Lumbar Disc Herniated Model Human Anatomical Lumbar Spine Model
Lumbar Disc Herniated Model: This model consists of two with a flexible disc, spinal cord, and nervous vertebrae, help a better understanding of lumbar disc protrusionIt can show the mechanism of injury of lumbar disc herniation. magnification 1.5x human IV...